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Contact Lens Training

We are excited to see you for your Contact Lens Training!

Prior to your appointment, please watch both the insertion and removal training videos for your contact lenses.

Prior to your appointment, please practice holding your eyelids open and bringing your finger close to your eye without blinking. Please make sure that you are successfully able to put eye drops in your eyes.

Insert and removal training with a technician in office.

To insert contact lens:

    1. ALWAYS wash hands before handing contacts
    2. How to tell if contact lens is inside out (soft lenses only)
    3. Opening eyelids wide. Secret! You’ll need to see the white part of the eye (Sclera) above and below the colored part for enough room to get the lens on.
    4. Using dominant hand to handle contact lens.

To remove contact lens:

  1. Place the pad of pointer finger on dominant hand on the contact lens and SLOWLY use your finger to slide the contact lens to lower or outside corner white part of your eye.
  2. Be ready to pinch the lens off immediately with pointer finger and thumb in a tweezing motion.
  3. ALWAYS use fresh solution for storage (if using biweekly or monthly style contacts). Our team will train you on how to use approved cleaning solutions.


Soft Contact Lens Insertion

Soft Contact Lens Removal

RGP Insertion

RGP Lens

Scleral Lens Insertion and Removal

Wear/Use contact lenses in your daily routine. Try to wear for a minimum of five hours on your first day and then increase wear a few hours with each use.

If you are having difficulties with the contact lenses (i.e., not comfortable, vision is not great, etc.) CALL THE OFFICE TO SCHEDULE A CONTACT LENS FOLLOW UP APPOINTMENT TO TROUBLESHOOT YOUR CONCERNS!!

  1. If possible, make sure to wear contact lenses to your appointment.
  2. At the appointment the doctor can give you a different brand to try or adjust the prescription etc.

Return for your four-to-six-day follow-up. If everything has gone well and the eyes are healthy, the doctor will finalize your contact lens prescription.

We look forward to seeing you!